Glamis Dunes gets 40,000 more acres

We’ll begin with a bit of good news from California. Nick Haris, one of my counterparts over at the  American Motocyclists Association, sent me an email update about 40,000 acres being added to Glamis. This is all related to the new Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) for the 200,000-acre Imperial Sand Dunes  Recreation Area, and, of course, the greenies milk-vetch lawsuit(s). Nick says:  “This is great news,” said Nick Haris, AMA  Western States representative. “The groups that want to restrict off-highway riding have gone to court in the past claiming that the Peirson’s  milk-vetch growing at Glamis is endangered and needs protection, but the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California recently ruled that the plant is being protected appropriately/”

Here is AMA’s news blast:
New plan adds 40,000 acres for off-highway  riding at Glamis

Looks like the County has approved the memorandum of agreement with CA Parks and the County Air Pollution Control District on the dust issue at Oceano Dunes… Dunes dust reduction deal OK’d. By April Charlton/Senior Staff Writer.

Have we mentioned the Friends of Oceano Dunes is a 501(c)(3) California Not-for-Profit Public Benefit Corporation comprised of citizens and business representatives who enjoy the benefits of Public Access and usage of the Oceano Dunes State Vehicle Recreation Area (ODSVRA)?  It’s a great group. Check them out at:

And… I saw this one on a LA Times blog… It’s about a push by Senator Barbara Boxer (CA) to make the  Pinnacles National Monument a national park. Pinnacles National Monument Might Become National Park,0,6542261.story

Finally, I wanted to make sure all our Cali members checked Don Amador’s latest blog post. Region 5 of the US Forest Service (California) has been out of line in much of their implementation of the Travel Management Rule. Check what Don has to say about the letter from Rep. Herger to the FS… Congressman Herger Sends Letter to Sec. Harris Sherman Regarding TMR

About Rick Webster

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